Saturday, December 29, 2012

The unknown girl aged 23

I am sad, angry, disappointed, furious, frustrated, ashamed. I feel like crying. Deep inside me i feel so much pain and anguish. I cant explain it - but just thinking of what this girl must have gone through makes me wince. Now the crowds in Delhi are clamouring for mob justice. Hang the rapists they shout. They say this because they have lost faith in the legal processes in India. The media is making the most - calling her Nirbhaya, asking for a pledge. and people are lighting candles in her memory. So what happens next? After the law takes its course and the rapists get their due punishment? Will things go back to their usual state until another girl gets raped? or will we get so inured that even when that happens we move on? Nothing will happen unless we change our attitude towards women. Until we start supporting the right of women to get educated, to pursue careers, to make the choices they want to, their reproductive rights; until we respect them as human beings and stop treating them as objects; until we stop thinking of them as second class citizens; until we stop enslaving them; until we fight their being thrown into child marriages or into prostitution, until we stop thinking of them as just a crutch; No we all men and wome need to make this change happen at home. and in our communities. we need to respect the women in our lives and around us. and we must educate our friends and families to do the same. We must stand up to those who treat women badly or even disrespectfully. We dont need to give women any special priveleges - just give them what is due to them.

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