Thursday, December 4, 2008

End of an era

Yesterday JVC shipped out its last VHS player. What service the VCR/ VCP has provided to homes. I still remember when we would assemble in the community club in Calcutta to have a "video movie showing". The crowds would be thick enough to make you cramp for space, but the events were always fund. The movie prints were always scratchy, and we had to watch on a 29 inch TV from a distance of atleast 20 feet. and of course, they were always Rajnikanth, Kamalahasan or a new Bollywood film.
Then when we bought the first VCR, was I overjoyed! I think I recorded every movie that came on TV, every show I liked and taped over them sometime. We had to handle the tapes carefully - sometimes they got stuck inside. Then we figured how to clean the VCR head.

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