Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What Extraordinary Times - Obama is President

I cant fully describe what I feel - but the emotions were powerful. It was wonderful hearing President-Elect Barrack Obama speak and to watch the entire proceedings in Grant Park. He has run an excellent and disciplined campaign and it felt very good to see him elected. Over the last few months I have watched him interact and heard him speak many times, (always on TV admittedly). I have also read his Audacity of Hope (which is a bit rambling at times, but a very interesting read nonetheless). I have been impressed by him for so many reasons: he is thoughtful, he is unflappable, he is generous and most of all he comes across as very sincere, smart but humble. I felt that I was watching a statesman who could reach across and provide a degree of leadership that has so far been missing in this world. He has the ability to play the politics required to win without coming across as a sleazy politician.

My wife and I were very moved watching him tonight. And we are not even American citizens. But the impact of this historic occasion has not been lost on us. In some ways, Obama has revived a faith in leadership that I lost with Bill Clinton's antics. One thing that I have noticed about Obama - he never looks smug or have the politician's grin - his comments are always very made in a calm but firm manner.

I also thought Senator McCain gave a very gracious speech this evening. I felt that he was generous, firm and very sincere in his wishes. It was a very good speech and also reaffirmed what I have always felt - that Senator McCain is a good man and a very admirable human being, but not the right choice for leading this country. In fact I think Senator McCain would be very good as an advisor, who could stand by what he believed.

I feel very lucky to have been watching these historic events.

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