Thursday, August 6, 2009

High Commitment, High Performance

I am pleased to write about the terrific new book my colleague Mike Beer has just written and is being released today. The book is called High Commitment, High Performance - How to Build a Resilient Organization for Sustained Advantage.

This book is remarkable because Mike does a great job of combining research, theory and practice. For those of you who dont know, Mike is a Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School and the Chairman of TruePoint - a consulting outfit that he started. Mike is an atypical academic in that he actually started his career in a manufacturing company after his PhD and then moved to academe. So he actually developed his theory of the case partly in the really world.

Which is why his book is different. In this book, he describes what a true High Commitment High Performance company is - They are aligned on three outcomes - Performance Alignment, Learning and Change Capability and Psychological Alignment. In addition they have leaders who are values driven and think beyond profits - they believe that their companies have a deeper reason to exist and take a multistakeholder perspective.

Mike also does a nice job of talking about thewhat he calls the silent killers of strategy and the five levers of change. Finally Mike shows how to build a High Performance, High Commitment company.
Here's the link to the book. - read it.